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What is Couples Therapy and When Should We Try it?

Many of our clients are currently struggling in a relationship. While said clients have chosen to come to counseling individually to discuss these relationship issues, we often strongly encourage them to consider Couples Therapy. Coming to therapy on one’s own cannot typically help solve relationship issues. To achieve results or resolutions and instill harmony, such issues can be resolved by opening dialogue among both members of the couple with a board-certified professional.

What is Couples Therapy? Simply put, Couples Therapy is provided by licensed professional counselors to couples struggling with relationship issues. Relationship status of clients varies widely from those who are dating to those considering marriage to others who have been together for many years and are struggling and everyone in between. Therapy can consist of many different things. Some couples attend who are doing well for the most part but are experiencing internal or external stressors and want to “nip it in the bud.” Others attend after being together for many years and finding themselves “in a rut.” Still, other couples require crisis management often due to having experienced major issues such as addictions and infidelity.

While each individual therapist will have their own specific questions, Couples Therapy will typically start with a complete history from the couple. The therapist will ask each to provide some background including information about family of origin, beliefs, and other relevant personal history. The couple may also be asked to verbalize why they think they need counseling, where the relationship changed and what they are hoping to achieve by attending therapy. By asking questions such as these, the therapist will gain an accurate perspective of the couple as a unit as well as each person as an individual member of the couple in addition to the couples’ issues.

When should we try it? When a couple decides to attend therapy plays a big role in what can realistically be achieved. Some couples come into our offices and one or both is “done” yet have agreed to go through the motions while others still genuinely love each other and want the relationship to continue. The length of time trouble was experienced before attending therapy also plays a role. We find that couples wait on average 6 years to attend therapy. After 6 years of issues and/or unhappiness, it is often tough to undo some of the damage that has occurred. I would strongly suggest to friends and loved ones as well as clients, to seek help for your relationship as soon as you consider the idea. Even happy couples who aren’t experiencing major problems can benefit from a couples session to strengthen communication, resolve differences or just come to check in with one another while a trained professional assists in guiding the dialogue.

The trained therapists at Sam Nabil Counseling and Naya Clinics aim to provide therapy to couples in a direct, yet gentle way while focusing on interventions that can assist the couple in working on the relationship outside of therapy sessions. Contact Sam Nabil Counseling to schedule your session with any of our trained, licensed therapists and give your relationship the attention it needs to thrive.

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