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Coronavirus Update for our Clients

We are mindful of concerns regarding Covid-19 and wanted to write to you to address any questions you may have.

As practitioners in a healthcare setting, we would like to reassure you that our clinics are committed to the health and safety of all visitors and have put in place several measures as precautions.

What precautions have we implemented?

Alcohol based hand sanitizer is available in our waiting area.

Handwash/soap is available in all bathrooms.

We wash our hands thoroughly between each patient appointment and may refrain from shaking hands.

Tissues are available in our waiting area and in therapy rooms.

Our commitment to you

We will take precautions and regularly review our health and safety procedures in order to protect all patients.

In the event that anyone on the team contracts Covid-19, that clinician will self isolate until confirmed clear of the virus and offer all sessions online if they are well enough.

Please note that our clinicians will not work if they are not well enough, particularly if they have a cough, which can be disruptive to our work.

In the event that a patient or colleague had contact with contracts Covid-19, we will advise you and we will discuss whether in person or online sessions would be appropriate for you.

Clinicians will advise you if they are planning to travel abroad and make suitable arrangements to continue our work online where possible.

We will be as informed as possible and direct you to suitable sources.

Our requests

We request that you wash your hands thoroughly upon arrival at our clinic.

We request that you do not visit the clinic (and opt in for online counseling) for at least 14 days if you have returned from countries with outbreaks even if you do not have any symptoms.

We request that you do not attend your appointment if you are unwell with any cold, cough or ‘flu like symptoms. If you do attend with any such symptoms, you may be asked to return home. In such a case, online counselling is a better option.

Future Steps

Some of our clinicians will be working exclusively online for the foreseeable future and will be offering online appointments in place of in person appointments.

We may need to reschedule our appointments to manage privacy and timetable needs and we will be as accommodating as possible in order to provide continuity of care.

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your clinician.

New Service

We are offering Coronavirus Anxiety Counseling online via our HIPPA compliant encrypted video chat.

Best wishes,

Sam Nabil


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