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10 Warning Signs That You're in a One-Sided Relationship

Are you putting a lot into your relationship without getting anything in return? Click here to find out the 10 signs that you're in a one-sided relationship.

Keyword(s): one-sided relationship

It's common and perfectly okay for couples to experience ups and downs in their relationship. What's never okay, though, is for one person to be putting in all the effort.

If this sounds familiar, you might be in a one-sided relationship.

These kinds of relationships are frustrating and can easily take a toll on your mental health.

If you're not sure of the status of your relationship, keep reading. Listed below are ten warning signs that indicate your partnership is a one-sided one.

1. You Have to Initiate all the Communication

Are you always the one reaching out? Do you do all the texting, calling, and date planning? If you didn't do this, would you and your partner go days without talking?

If this is the case, you're probably dealing with a one-sided relationship.

Some people are better at communicating than others, it's true. But, you should never be the only one putting forth the effort to stay in touch.

2. Your Partner Never Returns the Favor

Is your partner often asking you to do favors for them, no matter how busy or tired you seem? Do they hesitate or flat out refuse when you ask for help in return?

If your partner is always asking for help but never wants to do anything for you, that's a major red flag.

It's even worse if they get upset when you have to say no to something they want.

In a healthy relationship, each partner should be willing to help the other. And, there shouldn't be any guilt or shaming if one person has to say no when asked for a favor.

3. They Choose Their Friends Over You

Do you always come second to your partner's friends? Do they go out regularly without ever inviting you along?

Everyone needs time to recharge with their friends. But, if your partner never seems to want you around when they're with others, you should be concerned.

This is especially true if you ever get accused of "nagging" when you ask why an invitation is never extended to you.

4. You Feel Like You're Always Apologizing

If your partner is always twisting your words or making you feel guilty for expressing concerns, you're most likely in a toxic, one-sided relationship.

This is a form of emotional abuse known as gaslighting, and it's never okay.

Your partner is, of course, not solely responsible for your happiness. But, they should still take your concerns seriously.

Remember, you should never have to apologize or feel bad for seeking support, especially from your significant other.

5. They Ignore Your Concerns

Maybe your partner doesn't openly criticize you or downplay your concerns. But, do they stay silent when you try to talk about issues you're noticing in your relationship?

If your significant other ignores you when you try to express a concern, they're making it clear that they're not as invested in the relationship as you are.

6. You're Constantly Justifying Their Actions

Do you always have to explain to your family why your partner randomly didn't show up for dinner? Do you have to make up excuses for why they behaved horribly in front of your friends?

If you're always justifying your partner's actions, you might be in a one-sided relationship.

Everyone has bad days, of course. But, if your partner has more bad days than good ones, and you catch yourself creating excuses before anything has even gone wrong, you need to take a closer look at your situation.

7. You're Always Stressed Out

Are you always worrying about your relationship and what your partner's doing? Are you desperately trying to show him or her that you love them, while also bending over backward to make sure you're not annoying them?

This constant guessing game is most likely wreaking havoc on your mental health. You probably feel anxious, depressed, and downright exhausted most -- if not all -- of the time.

A romantic relationship should make you feel happy. It shouldn't have you constantly feeling like you're on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

If you're with someone who makes you feel insecure and anxious, you either need to address the issues head-on or end the relationship. Your own health and well-being are too important.

8. You Don't Share Any Goals

Are you two on the same page when it comes to your futures? Do you want to get married, live together, or have kids? Does your partner actually want any of these things?

Sometimes, a one-sided relationship forms when two people start to form different goals.

It's okay to drift apart and start to prioritize different things. But, you also shouldn't stay in a relationship in which you no longer have anything in common with the other person.

9. They Hide Their Bad Habits

Has your partner taken up potentially dangerous habits recently, despite knowing that you don't approve? Are they using drugs, smoking, or drinking heavily?

This kind of behavior shows a flagrant lack of respect for you and your feelings. They should be working to improve themselves, not making choices that have the potential to put a strain on your relationship.

10. There's No Intimacy

Has your partner lost interest in sex? If you're still having it at all, is it mundane and devoid of emotion?

What about other forms of intimacy? It's normal for partners to have sex less frequently after they've been together for a while. But, do you connect in other ways?

For example, does your partner ever show any physical signs of affection like cuddling or holding hands? Do you share an intellectual connection over certain books or movies?

If you and your partner are no longer intimate, and they don't seem interested in trying to rekindle things, your relationship is probably a one-sided one.

Are You in a One-Sided Relationship?

If any of the signs mentioned above apply to your relationship, you either need to end it or work with a professional to repair it.

If you're interested in working with a counselor to fix your one-sided relationship, consider booking an appointment with us today. We're here to serve everyone with online and in-person counseling sessions.

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